Web-HIPRE Help

Priorities -dialog

  1. Opening Priorities -dialog
  2. Direct Weighting
  3. SMART
  4. SWING
  6. Pairwise Comparisons (AHP)
  7. Value Functions
  8. Group
  9. References

Opening Priorities -dialog
To open Priorities -dialog, double-click on the corresponding element in value tree. Another way is to choose the weighting method directly in Priorities -menu.
Direct weighting
In direct weighting, the weights of sub-criteria or alternatives are directly given. You can give the weights by writing them into corresponding text fields or using the slider. To normalize the weights, press Normalize now -button, when the sum of weights is set to one. On the alternative level you can choose whether to normalize weights in analysis (when Normalize weights in analysis -tickbox is ticked) or alternatively use weights as values of alternatives (tickbox not ticked). You can also bring in weights calculated in the pairwise comparisons (Import pairwise) or values from value function (Import valuefn).
In SMART-technique you are first asked to give 10 points to the least important attribute change from the worst criterion level to its best level. Then you are asked to give points (>10) to reflect the importance of the attribute change from the worst criterion level to the best level relative to the least important attribute range.
Ranking the attributes
There is possibility to rank attributes before giving points. To rank the attributes choose with left mouse button the attributes in order of importance starting from the least important attribute. When giving points to attributes, the ranks are updated automatically. Ranks of attributes can be hided by unticking Hide ranks -tickbox.
Changing Ranks
Ranks can be changed by first highlighting the existing rank with mouse click and then selecting the rank with whom you want the highlighted rank to be changed.
Ordering of attributes
To order the attributes from least important to the most important, press Order by rank -button. Original order of attributes can be retained by pressing Original order -button.
Giving points to attributes
Points are given by writing them into the corresponding text fields.
In SWING-technique you are asked first to give 100 points to the most important attribute change from the worst criterion level to the best level. Then you are asked to give points (<100) to reflect the importance of the attribute change from the worst criterion level to the best level relative to the most important attribute change.
Ranking the attributes
There is the possibility to rank attributes before giving points. To rank the attributes choose with left mouse button the attributes in the order of importance starting from the most important attribute. When giving points to attributes, the ranks are updated automatically. Ranks of attributes can be hided by unticking Hide ranks -tickbox.
Changing Ranks
Ranks can be changed by first highlighting the existing rank with the mouse click and then selecting the rank with which you want the highlighted rank to be interchanged.
Ordering of attributes
To order the attributes from most important to the least important, press Order by rank -button. Original order of attributes can be retained by pressing Original order -button.
Giving points to attributes
Points are given by writing them into the corresponding text fields.
In the SMARTER-technique you are asked to rank the attributes in the order of importance for the attribute changes from their worst level to the best level.
Ranking the attributes
To rank the attributes choose with left mouse button the attributes in the order of importance starting from the most important attribute.
Changing Ranks
Ranks can be changed by first highlighting the existing rank with mouse click and then selecting the rank with whom you want the highlighted rank to be changed.
Ordering of attributes
To order the attributes from the most important to the least important, press Order by rank -button. Original order of attributes can be retained by pressing Original order -button.
Pairwise comparisons (AHP)
AHP (The Analytical Hierarchy Process)
In AHP you are asked to compare pairwise each possible pair of attributes. In each pair you must decide which attribute is more important and how much more important. These comparisons are saved in comparisons matrix and the ultimate weights of attributes are derived by the eigenvector of this matrix.
Choosing the comparisons
The pair to compare can be chosen by selecting appropriate attributes from the lists on both sides of scrollbar. Another way is to click mouse directly on the right pair of comparisons matrix. The next undefined comparison is selected from the comparisons matrix by clicking Next comparison -button. Clear all -button clears all the comparisons.
Defining importance
To select the more important attribute, choose the radio button on the side of more important attribute. To define the ratio of importance, enter it in the text field or choose the appropriate alternative from the list of verbal explanations. Alternatively the more important attribute and the ratio of importance can be defined by scrollbar. In the alternative-level you can optionally tick the Scale weights between 0 and 1 -tickbox, when the weights of attributes are handled as values and thus scaled between 0 and 1.
Ultimate weights
When all the pairwise comparisons are done, the ultimate weights of attributes are shown. There is also shown the consistency measure (CM), which indicates the consistency of decision maker. The smaller the consistency measure is the more consistent are the pairwise comparisons and vice versa.
Value functions
Value function
Value function is a function, which maps the ratings of alternatives directly to the value of alternatives. The maximum and minimum ratings are defined in the corresponding text fields.
Exponential value function
In exponential value function you have to select one point, which defines uniquely the exponential curve. The starting and ending points of exponential curve have values 0 and 1 respectively or vice versa, which can be toggled by Flip verical -button. To select the place of this defining point, click mouse button on the corresponding place of the value function area. The place of the point can be entered also in the text fields indicating the place of this point.
Piecewise linear value function
In piecewise linear value function you can define the points, between whom the function is linear. To add a new point to the function, double click on the corresponding place of the value function area. To move an existing poins, use drag ad drop. To linearize the function (and to remove the points excluding ending points), click Linearize -button. Same linearization technique works with the exponential curve. The place of an active point of the curce (highlighted) can be entered also in the text fields indicating the place of this point.
Ratings and values
The ratings and the corresponding values of alternatives are shown in the panel on the right. These values are obtained by mapping the rating to value axis with existing value function. The lines in value function area indicate how the ratings of corresponding alternatives are placed on rating scale. These alternatives, their ratings and values and the corresponding lines in value function area can be hidden by clicking Hide alternatives -button. The same button can be used to get alternatives visible again.
Group Values
In Group mode you can take the component values of this element directly from the other Web-HIPRE models. In Username and Filename you define the model, from which the values are taken. By clicking Refresh-button the overall values of the defined model are taken as component values of this element. Note, that before this the other model has to be made public by choosing Publish/Refresh from Group-menu. The identification of the values is based on the names of the alternatives. Thus, they have to match with the names of the other model. See Group Model for more details.

File Operations Help Index Ratings -dialog

Copyright 1998-2002. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology. All rights reserved.